What a Difference a Year Makes

Two thousand nine brought it’s share of heartache … and deep joy. While I’ll never forget the bitter of this year, the aftertaste of the sweet still lingers.

I stand at the starting line of 2010 with great hope — that isn’t fettered by the acknowledgment that more of Him often comes with a cost. And to these — the hope and the cost — I say yes, Lord. More of You.

If you’ve been wondering why our Christmas card has not arrived in your mailbox, it’s because of the snow. And the time spent defrosting toes by the fireplace. And the sled rides. And the ornament making and buckeye baking. The cuddling, tickling, holding, reading and praying are all to blame (read: washing and folding, wiping up spills and making potty runs).

So, finally, here it is. Our year in review (more like 5 months in review), virtual Christmas card:

Pretend This Came In Your Mailbox*

(Come on, can you believe how much they’ve grown?)

*Some photographs included in this montage are compliments of Synergy Photography

2 responses to “What a Difference a Year Makes

  1. Yay! I love your Christmas card that was in the “mail”! There are so many gorgeous pictures in there…wow. 2009 was indeed a life-changing year for you guys.
    When can we come and visit? I’ll just invite us to your house this time…let’s plan a Saturday or Sunday soon! Love you all!

  2. Sara and Nate:

    What a beautiful story you have. I am repeatedly drawn to your blog to read you postings for several reasons. My husband and I have 3 boys and are leaving in about 4 weeks to go to Ethiopia and get our girls (ages 4 and 7). I love the light I see in your children’s eyes. We obviously haven’t met our girls yet, and have only a few facts about them, and yet we love them deeply. We are also believers and so often I am led to the throne by reading what God has spoken to you. I also lost my Mom to illness, January 2008. I long for her to be here to love on our girls, and yet, I believe that she in some way already knows them more than I do! She sits at the feet of our Lord and in my child-like faith, I think He tells her all about us. So, blessings fellow-traveler. Please feel free to visit our blog and follow our story.


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